Acro Technologies, Inc.
Global Technical Solutions & Services

Legionella Sampling and Analysis
Here are the different options for Legionella sampling and analysis that we are now offering:
ATI may employ traditional culture sampling and analysis methods such as the (CDC or ISO method) - STD TAT 10 business days from sample receipt at laboratory. The culture methods are the methods the CDC has given the gold standard designation. The ISO method is the method the CDC recommends for the evaluation of water for routine testing of water management programs. The CDC method is the method recommended for sampling as part of an investigation. Serotype 1 and Serotypes 2-15 are included with analysis, however; individual speciation is available. We also offer a preliminary report at 5 business days from sample receipt at laboratory. The preliminary reports are helpful in that if there is no growth at this point, the samples will most likely negative, however; we are required to culture the full 10 business days for confirmation . If the preliminary report shows growth, you have the opportunity to make any decisions required more rapidly.
PCR–BioRad iQ-Check are also offered - STD TAT 3 business days from sample receipt at laboratory. This provides a powerful screening tool for the rapid detection of Legionella in environmental samples. It does not distinguish between living and dead and/or viable but non-culturable cells. Unless the environment has been recently altered, such as with a biocide application, moderate to high populations of Legionella detected by qPCR are usually indicative of an existing or potential future problem. Therefore, the PCR method can rapidly identify potential sources, facilitating disinfection processes and help to prevent further exposures. Because this method does not determine viability of the Legionella bacteria there is no reliable correlation or conversion factor between the enumeration in qPCR and the number of colony forming units in culture testing. However, negative qPCR results are an excellent predictor for negative culture samples. Additionally, currently lacks acceptance as “Gold Standard” for application of thresholds.
Quantitray – Legiolert – STD TAT 8 business days from sample receipt at laboratory - a new detection system for Legionella pneumophila, based on enumeration by Most Probably Number (MPN) via Quanti-Tray. Limitations : Detects Legionella pneumophila only, inability to isolate colonies directly (positive samples would have to be re-cultured on agar), more narrow detection that misses non-Legionella pneumophila bacteria, currently lacks acceptance as “Gold Standard” for application of thresholds, absence of important certifications, (i.e. NY ELAP and CDC ELITE).
Acro Technologies Inc.
9600 Escarpment Blvd. #745-7
Austin, TX 78749
Phone: (512) 394-0823
Fax: (512) 861-2016